Thursday, January 22, 2009

Trying to be Patient and have Peace...


I am now just about 11 weeks along. This is my worrisome week. We lost our first baby around this time, although I was having troubles before learning the baby had no heartbeat. This pregnancy has been fine and for the most part I have had much peace about it, until this week. I am just not "feeling" pregnant. I am still having symptoms, nausea, hurting boobs, indigestion and tiredness, but that feeling of loss always creeps in about this time for me.

I hate not being able to be naive about pregnancy, but at the same time know that God took me through that loss for a reason. It was a time of great faith growing for me and God started directing me towards the Biblical understanding of motherhood. I am just ready for the next few weeks to be over with, so I can officially be in the 2nd trimester.


Ace said...

It is hard being a Mama, we are called to have open hearts, even to pain and loss. I am so sorry you lost your first Sweet Baby, what a precious life and that Baby is rejoicing with our Savior.

I pray that the Lord of All Creation helps you relax and gives you peace as He knits ANOTHER gift and blessing inside your womb.

Many Blessings Honey!


The Maggio Family said...

girl, i know that exact feeling. i do. i can remember being up crying & crying, scared to death i'd lose adrianne. praying for you.

Dani said...

Thanks for your prayers:)

Sue said...

I have been there too. I haven't been pregnant again since my loss back in October (that was my fifth pregnancy), but I can easily imagine having those same feelings if/when I am blessed with another. I will be praying for perfect peace, and for a very uneventful pregnancy!