Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Staying friends with non-belivers... thoughts and a little vent.

I have been having such internal conflicts with this recently. I am part of an online board that is a break off from a miscarriage support forum. There are about 40 of us that post very regularly. We are very diverse, Christian, Athiests, Agnositic, Catholic, Wiccan and so on. We are very close and have learned a lot about and from each other of the last few years we have been together. I am very close to many of these ladies, but some times posts get going that bash my personal beliefs. I usually just stay away from them and just discuss other things with these ladies. I really do not expect anything different from non-believers. However, at times there are a few of them that like to try and entice us(Christians) into a debate when there is no reason to enter. The sole reason is to try and show how our christian beliefs are wrong or twisted.

I really like to know how these friends are doing, but sometimes I feel the need to walk away. So I don't know if I need to just take a break, keep on going and try to show the love of Christ to these ladies when opportunity presents itself or just break away completely??

I always go back to the argument that Jesus spent time among the sinners, to show himself to them. I do not want to be the type of Christian who hides among those who only believe the same way I do. I just really don't know what to do.


Nicole said...

I had to walk away from a message board that was an off shot of a wedding board for that exact reason. I kept staying for the same reasons you listed but eventually it started affect my personal walk. I finally had to walk away to get myself back to where I needed to be.

Dani said...

Thanks for sharing your experience. I am going to be praying about it and see what God leads me to do.

The Maggio Family said...

I have to agree with cajunchic here. Its very dangerous territory you are in. In my opinion, it opens a door to allow Satan to sneak in. Its like you get closer to the girls due to a common bond, but "friends" don't entice you into heated debates either. You can definitely disagree on a subject, but its still a dangerous thing. He was around sinners, so there is a fine line, b/c you can't reach the world if you never get in. But I think there's a difference in making yourself available to sinners who seem to want to seek something different for their lives that you are in contact with & then those who you have connected with who obviously have no desire to know the truth but would rather convince you it isnt the truth.

Dani said...

Thanks so much Jen. The last line of yours could be right on.