Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Book Review

I just finished up this book last night:

I have to say it was excellent. These ladies presented the true meaning of being a homekeeper, using scriptural backing. I think they did it in a awesomely gentle way. I am pretty sure that this would step on some toes, even some Christian ladies toes. This book gave me a lot of insight, a lot to think about and tons of encouragement. I know that my number one calling is to be a homekeeper, I pray every day that God builds me up and gives the the grace to get it done in a Christ like manner.

I also wanted to share a bit of what I am struggling with. When Gus does not comment or validate the "things" I have done around the house, I get hard feelings toward him at times. I want my work to be validated. God has been pointing these feelings out to me when they happen and I praise Him for that. I know that all I do, I should do unto the Lord and not expect praise. I guess I just wonder if there are any practical ways to overcome this feeling. Or will it continue to resolve as I let God correct me and then redirect my thinking?


The Maggio Family said...

yeah, i'm with you on that one. i work work work during the day and think based on my own feelings of maybe i'm not doing enough or maybe i'm not contributing enough, i get mad at jeff b/c he wont specifically mention the meal or the sparkling floor or just whatever....

Nicole said...

I have been wanting to read that book but was skeptical. thanks for the review.

I have the same problem with Earl. I want him to say thank you or that I did a good job but he does not even notice sometimes unless I point it out to him.

Lori said...

I think we all struggle with that feeling. Especially if we've worked outside the home where we got "validation" in the form of a paycheck...haha...

But, Martha Peace teaches that you should prepare yourself for those circumstances with a scripture. Like, when you feel yourself getting to that place...have a scripture that you meditate on.

I think we can ALL pray for each other about that though.

Oh, and I LOVE Passionate Housewives! Love it love it love it!