Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Memorizing Scripture


A week or so ago, I started reading Psalm 119. Throughout this whole chapter it talks about keeping God's laws and decrees and statues. God has really laid it on my heart to start memorizing more of His word. The reason not only being that we need to know it, but his Word tells us to keep it in our hearts. Also with the possibility that one day we may have to know God's word if the actual book is taken from us.

My friend shared a dream given to her from the Lord regarding the same thing. She dreamed that Satan kept trying to attack her in different ways and in each scenario there was always a way out. God showed her that during the times she is being attacked she did not have time to go and cram from His word, she only had the word she had stored in her heart to use against the enemy. It just showed her it is very important to know God's word in our hearts.

Psalm 119: 11
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you"

I just want to challenge myself and others to start memorizing God's word that it may always stay in our hearts.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement

Shawon said...

Great post, and oh so true!