Thursday, February 19, 2009

Controlling our Emotions


I have been thinking about this for a while now. I have been very emotional this pregnancy and at times find myself treating the kids or Gus not so well. These actions are mostly based on my emotions at the time. I have also talked recently with Gus and a few friends about how women can tend to use their "emotions" or "hormonal" times to validate saying not so nice things to people or treating them in a way they would not normally treat someone. I don't think it is acceptable that we allow ourselves to get away with this and be able to blame our emotions or hormones. God has given us the power to have self control in every area.

Now I am not saying that we should be emotionless, I believe that our emotions are God given and are a very important part of us being women. I do think if we find ourselves using our emotions or hormones as a weapon then we need to be praying and seeking God for help in that area. I would love to hear from anyone who has had trouble in this area and overcome.


in the yellow skies said...

I've thought a lot about this as well. It's too easy to use the excuse that "it's just the way we were made." This even goes into other areas, like using our weaknesses in our personalities as an excuse for behaving certain ways. God has called us to go against our nature and to conform to His. I've been struggling with keeping my emotions under control during my pregnancy too. This is the time that we can give into them or let God refine us by practicing self control. This was a good read. I enjoyed it!