Tuesday, November 11, 2008



This is something I have such trouble finding.  Not so much in monetary or financial means, but in the what ifs?  I always wonder what would be if we had done this or done that.  I am always wondering what it would be like to live elsewhere or knowing different people.  I don't think that overall that this is a bad thing, but I do think it can cause discontentment in my heart.  

Today I was studing this verse.  

Proverbs 19:23(NIV)--  The fear of the Lord leads to life:  Then one rests content, untouched by trouble  

(JKV)--The fear of the Lord tendeth to life:  and he that hath it shall abide satisfied, he shall not be visited by evil.

From Strongs Concordance:

Fear--respect, reverence
Abide- to lodge, dwell
Satisfied-- Sated
Evil--unhappiness, misery

"The reverence of Jehovah tendeth to life:  and he that hath it shall dwell sated, he shall not be visited by unhappiness or misery" 

Here are some words taken from Matthew Henry's Comentary:

See what those that get by it that live in the fear of God, and always make conscience of their duty to him. 1. Safety: They shall not be visited with evil; they may be visited with sickness or other afflictions, but there shall be no evil in them, nothing to hurt them, because nothing to separate them from the love of God, or hurt to the soul. 2. Satisfaction: They shall abide satisfied; they shall have those comforts which are satisfying, and shall have a constant contentment and complacency in them. It is a satisfaction which will abide, whereas all the satisfactions of sense are transient and soon gone.

Serious godliness has a direct tendency to life; to all good, to eternal life; it is the sure and ready way to it; there is something in the nature of it fitting men for heaven and so leading them to it.

It seems that the fear and reverence of my Jehovah God is what leads us to contentment.  Is that knowing that our lives are His and just allowing ourselves to rest under His yoke of the hear and now?  To know that this is the time and place He has called me to and with that understanding do everything I do unto the Lord?  

I pray that Jehovah will lead me into a greater fear and reverence, so that according to this Word, I will abide satisfied and not visited by unhappiness.  


The Maggio Family said...

i love those two songs you mentioned.

Mama M said...

This is great...I really needed to read that. I always struggle with the "what if's" too and they never lead to anything productive, but discontentment and depression. I'm still working on it and always asking God that he save me from myself. I'll pray for you and I that we both be developed in this area; it's imperative to our inner peace and joy!