Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How can I be a helpful wife.....

with out being a pushy wife. One of the things I tend to do it over analyze and over organize the way things could be in my mind. (This would be good if I would put that organizing to practical use) This gets me into trouble, because it can leave me feeling discontent with our life.
Gus has many things he talks about doing or would like to do in the future. Sometimes I take those ideas and try to put them into action. Like when he is talking about getting another job, I will start looking for him. I am not sure if this is being helpful or being pushy since he does not directly ask me to look for him?? Or, there are things I would like for us to do together as a family and Gus does not see the need for it. I have to fight down the urge to think that I am more spiritual than my husband. I don't nag, I have seen far more results with submission and prayer for God to lead Gus. These are two of the things I struggle with most as a wife right now. Trying to get Gus's dreams or ideas going for him and keeping my pride in check by making sure I am not sticking my big ole' head out from under my leader and covering.
So back to the original thought, how do I become this wife?

Proverbs 31:10-12-- A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies: Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life.

Some days I feel like I am headed full force in that direction and other days like I have no idea what I am doing.


The Maggio Family said...

know exactly what you mean.
oh, to be a proverbs 31 woman!