Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The True Blessings from our Children...


Children are a blessing from God, there is no doubt in my mind about that.  Recently I read somewhere that through raising and training them up, they help to sancify us.  That they truely help us work out our salvation daily.  Later I was talking with Gus about this and wondered if I could take that thought a bit farther.  I know that the things that I see in my children that bother or concern me the most are the exact same things I know I need to work out in my own life.  I also know that the best way to teach these things to my children is to be a living example.  So I was thinking that God must have really hand picked my children for me, with certain personalities and charater traits.  He knew before hand who and what I would need to deal with to help get certain dross out of my life.  
I have no scriptural backing for this, they are purely thoughts accumulated in my head.  If they are true, children are the biggest blessings that the Lord could ever give to me.  What an amazing thought to know that these wonderful children have been put here specifically with me and Gus to help us continuly grow in God's grace, mercy and salvation.  


Mama M said...

I completely agree with you and am too so grateful for my baby. She is perfect for us and us for her. Sometimes I'm still shocked that she's actually mine. I don't know how some can look into their children's eyes and not see the work of God?

Since you work part-time, what is your shift; how many hrs per day?

Nicole said...

What a great post and so true. Sometimes I need that reminder though. Thank You.